This uniquely-animated short film tells the story of a young child, her mother and her dog, Bill, exploring the wonders of the natural world surrounding them. It captures the thrills of youthful discovery as they unearth the delights of bogs and peatland – all of which is right on their doorstep. Featuring beautiful hand-drawn artwork by Rory McCann, brought to life by Tentacle Media Ltd.
Working on animated films is always such a pleasure. It enables me to be truly creative in all facets of my role. Audio plays a huge part in transforming projects such as this from beautifully hand-drawn storyboards into an immersive – and, hopefully, inspiring – viewing experience. From composing an original score to the total reconstruction of each location’s ambience and even, as was the case for this project, pretending to be a dog sniffing around the roots of shrubberies(!), seeing an animated project come together from nothing is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Narration Charis Kettridge
Writer and Director Andy Clark (The Top of the Tree)
Artwork Rory McCann
Storyboarding, Animation and Colouring Tentacle Media Ltd
Commissioned by the IUCN UK National Committee Peatland Programme
Watch the full film below: